Learning Meditation | Rev. Christopher StandingBear RMT. - Bearfoot Healing

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Learning Meditation | Rev. Christopher StandingBear RMT.

Healing Services > Classes and Workshops

The truth about meditation
When people think of meditation they often envision some Buddhist Monk sitting in what appears to be an uncomfortable position saying "OM". The truth is it doesn't have to look or be like that to be considered meditation. It is important to realize that there are many forms of meditation, all leading to the same placeā€¦Inner Awareness and Peace from within.
Some feel that when you are meditating, you are dishonoring your God or that meditation is something only Buddhists do. The truth is through meditation we open ourselves for receiving guidance and the answers to our prayers. We are indeed now connected to the Creator.
The objective of meditation
Is to be in the moment, while at the same time choosing to be at peace with any thoughts or mind-chatter that may arise. Some beginning meditators believe the idea is to be completely thought free, and in fact, if they find themselves wondering off in thought while meditating, then it is assumed they have failed and so they give up. Even those who have been meditating for 20 years have a thought or two from time to time. It is what you choose to do with these thoughts that matter.
Meditation is called a practice for a reason. It takes practice to master being completely free of the mind-chatter, but the journey is well worth it.
The Benefits of Meditation

  • Inner Peace
  • Sense of Calm
  • Improved Clarity of mind
  • Improved Focus
  • Stress relief
  • Rested
  • Emotional Balance
  • Insightfulness into the nature of your being
  • Higher Self-Esteem
  • Improved Health
  • Improved Relationships

The types meditations you will learn
Rev. Christopher Standingbear facilates meditations that can be placed into three types or categories, Transcendental, Zen, and Mindfulness.

Transcendental Meditation meditation is a practice involving ruminating on a manta to focus the mind resulting in a oneness with your manta.
Zen Meditation is the practice of keeping the mind completely free of thoughts or images while in meditation resulting in deliberate concentration.   
Mindfulness Meditation is the practice of being deliberately aware of everything you have control over in your life, walking, eating, breathing and so on, resulting in greater relaxation within the body.
"Meditation is not to escape from society, but to come back to ourselves and see what is going on." - Thich Nhat Hanh

About the Meditation Facilitor
Rev. Christopher StandingBear RMT has been teaching meditation since 2005 as a part of his Spiritual Path Coachingā„¢ program; was one of the first eight meditation facilitators in the world working towards World Peace through the Ten Million Clicks for Peace program, and was trained to be one of the first meditation facilitators for the Meditation Challenge created by Lisa Hepner. He also facilitates meditations as a part of the Free Meditation Circle and Beginning Meditation Class.

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